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FACL Training with Ted Harvey

"How to Build Your Local Grassroot Organization" (FACL)

The Foundation for Applied Conservative Leadership (FACL) offers practical, no-nonsense training built around cutting-edge political strategies and tactics.

Training Details

This seminar will address the key question asked by every patriot who wants to see change in our political environment, How can we become effective in politics and make the politicians do what we want them to do?

Come and learn how to push back against legislators, and how to plan & prepare to win at the ballot box.

Former Senator Ted Harvey (R-CO), an instructor from FACL, will lead this seminar that will help you to effectively take action in order to win your political battles in Massachusetts. Senator Harvey's will share his experience as PAC leader of the Committee to Defend the President, which has defended the presidents exceptional record, and won huge court battle in GA in defense of President Trump. “I was proud to defend President Trump's unprecedented 2020 achievements" Ted Harvey’s Interview on Fox defending the President’s record.

Training Location

Saturday February 27th 2021 in Malden, MA.

Space is limited by state order of 25% capacity.

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